The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) continues to ensure the health and safety of our employees, customers and communities and recognizes the importance of adhering to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Government of Belize. We are keenly aware of the tremendous adverse social and economic impact triggered by the current Covid-19 pandemic. As Belize’s development finance institution, the DFC is committed to working with our customers as they navigate through these difficult times. Please contact us to discuss how we can help.
Effective Thursday April 2nd 2020, our Opening Hours is as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Customers and the public can contact and connect with us remotely, through various means.
CALL or WhatsApp
See our contact information here: www.dfcbelize.org/business-made-easy
Payments can be made directly to any of DFC’s bank accounts either Over the Counter (OTC) at the banks OR, if you are a customer of the bank, through its online facility. Visit www.dfcbelize.org/making-loan-repayments for DFC’s banking information.
For more news from DFC, Click here. | See here for the many ways you can get in touch with the DFC.