The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) continues to actively monitor developments on the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent adverse social and economic impact. We remain committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees, customers and communities by adhering to the recommendations of the COVID-19 National Oversight Committee and other national authorities.
As Belize’s leading development finance institution, we continue to assess the potential economic impact on our various sectors and to determine how best we can assist our customers to navigate through these uncertain and difficult times. We are committed to working with our customers to assist with business continuity and successful recovery. In our efforts to alleviate the financial impact of COVID19 on the livelihoods of our customers we have taken the following initial measures.
Immediately, DFC will:
- Suspend the imposition of late payment fees on all accounts, initially for three (3) months.
- Suspend the imposition of the fee for the restructuring of loans.
DFC will also:
- Provide financial assistance in the form of working capital loans for relief and business
continuity and/or expansion at lower interest rates with attractive terms and conditions. - Provide moratorium of up to nine (9) months on loan payments for all tourism related loans countrywide.
- Provide moratorium of up to three (3) months, in the first instance, for other sectors including residential and education loans on both principal and interest payments for borrowers working in the tourism affected areas.
- Provide moratorium on payments for all other loans, affected by COVID-19, on an as-need basis.
Please note that these are initial and general measures and do not prohibit any client who is affected in anyway by COVID-19 to contact the DFC to discuss how we can assist.
We are also identifying and contacting customers affected by this outbreak to discuss their needs during this challenging time.
Contact us at wecare@dfcbelize.org or at any of our Branches listed below.
San Pedro | Corozal | Orange Walk |
610.1171 | 422.3191 | 322.2153 |
Belize City | Cayo | Dangriga (South) |
223.3605 | 822.2350 | 522.3041 |
For more news from DFC, Click here. | See here for the many ways you can get in touch with the DFC.