DFC congratulates Royal Mayan Shrimp Farms and Caribbean Shrimp Farm on achieving ASC Certification
August 26, 2022 -
DFC Seeks to Provide Affordable Housing Loans
July 22, 2022 -
DFC establishes relations with Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
May 5, 2022 -
DFC makes investing in Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) projects easier for Belize’s Small and Medium Enterprises
January 12, 2022 -
DFC accesses BZD $30 MN credit line from the Inter-American Development Bank
November 15, 2021 -
Remembering a Chairman, a Servant and a Dear Friend
October 17, 2021 -
Ministry of Agriculture and DFC signs Technical Partnership to better serve and provide financing to farmers
September 22, 2021 -
Beltraide and DFC signs MOU for Belize Enterprise Revolving Fund (BERF)
September 16, 2021 -
GOB makes Historic Equity Investment in DFC
September 6, 2021 -
DFC Spreads Christmas Cheer to 96 Front-line Medical Workers and Laboratory Staff
December 24, 2020 -
November 6, 2020 -
The University of Belize (UB) and the DFC signs MOU to Increase Equitable Access to Education via Access to Financing
August 28, 2020
The facilitation DFC provided to refinance our business in order to invest in the creation of a totally new product was most helpful.
William Usher
Owner, Green Clean