CDB and DFC Launches new BZ $40 Million Credit Line for lending to Businesses, Home owners, Students and for Business and Home investments in Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency (RE/EE)
January 31, 2018 -
DFC Donates $3,000 to the Farmers of the Year, 2017
May 10, 2017 -
DFC donates $3,000 to the Belize Softball Federation
November 7, 2016 -
DFC Productive Sector EXPO highlights Impact on Belize’s Economy
October 3, 2016 -
DFC donates $10,000 to the Belize Red Cross Society for Hurricane Relief
August 24, 2016 -
DFC donates $5000 to the Belize Protectors Association
August 18, 2016 -
EIB signs SME loan agreement providing EUR 8 million to the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) in Belize.
June 22, 2016 -
DFC to provide Relief to customers adversely impacted by ongoing Drought
October 6, 2015 -
BCCI & DFC Creates New Partnership via MOU
August 5, 2015 -
$21 Million CDB / DFC Project to provide Belizeans with Productive Sector, Housing and Education Financing and Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Pilot Program
May 14, 2015 -
CDB & DFC Project to benefit MSMEs, Housing, Education Launched in Belize
May 12, 2015 -
DFC Customer Appreciation Day, 2014
September 27, 2014
The facilitation DFC provided to refinance our business in order to invest in the creation of a totally new product was most helpful.

William Usher
Owner, Green Clean